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How 5 Republican Members Of Congress Can Change The Trajectory Of Our Country

It’s interesting to hear the term ‘elected leaders’… Historically, these were democratically elected officials entrusted to lead, in the best interest of the American people. But at a time like this, I question if ‘elected individual’ is more appropriate than ‘elected leader’?

In the most recent September NBC poll, nearly three quarters (74%) of registered voters nationwide had major or moderate concerns about Joe Biden not having the necessary mental and physical health to be president for a second term. As for the Republican frontrunner, over 6-in-10 (62%) have concerns with Donald Trump facing four different criminal and civil trials.

In the latest Messenger/HarrisX survey, over two-thirds (67%) of registered voters think President Biden should not run for a second term, and over half (57%) think Donald Trump should not run for a second term.

It’s not just executive leader candidates that lack positive public sentiment either. In late September’s Economist/YouGov poll, only 9% of adults nationwide had a very favorable opinion of Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer, compared to nearly 1-in-3 (32%) that had a very unfavorable view of him. Only 3% had a very favorable opinion of McConnell, only 6% for McCarthy, and 11% of Hakeem Jeffries. Each of the elected ‘leaders’ listed are viewed more unfavorably than favorable.

In the same Economist/YouGov poll, both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have unfavorable ratings outpacing their favorable ratings by double digits… This is the reality of politics in America today.

With all of these negative feelings, it’s no wonder that RealClearPolitics direction of the country aggregate shows that over two-thirds (67%) of people surveyed think that America is headed down the wrong track.

I believe that if elected individuals in America saw these numbers, and I mean truly looked at these numbers and questioned what they personally could do to help correct course, our country would start having the ‘elected leaders’ we need and deserve. If members of Congress looked at the polling aggregates that show that over 7-in-10 American citizens disapprove of the job Congress is doing, and instead of blaming their colleagues, actually did something to lift our collective political morale, how much better off we could be…

Gallup’s September Party Affiliation poll shows that only 25% of Americans identify as Republican, only 26% as Democratic, but 47% identify as Independent… The Economist/YouGov poll shows that by a double-digit margin, Americans want a president that compromises to get things done over sticks to their principles, no matter what… If just 5 House Republicans understood this and reached across the aisle during the approaching ‘speaker battle’, what an honorable, unifying story that would be.

If during the upcoming speaker talks, 5 Republicans put the needs of America ahead of partisan one-upmanship, I believe those 5 Republicans could change the trajectory of our country. I believe those 5 Republicans could stand by their principles but still work across the aisle to ease our nation’s political tension.

I can show that elected officials who work across the aisle have traditionally had astronomically strong approval ratings, I have data to support the desire of the electorate to get away from partisan-bickering, or a growing desire for common sense and compromise among the elected class, but I have no data to prove that if 5 Republicans were willing to work with Democrats to elect a mutually agreed upon Speaker, that the American people would approve. I can only assume.

I can only assume that if 5 Republicans banded together to nominate a Speaker with the Democrats, that Americans’ opinion of Congress would improve. I can only assume that these 5 Republicans would be sought after in every conference meeting and vote to help balance the apple cart not only in the House, but in the Senate and with the Executive Branch. I can only assume that having Republicans and Democrats working with each other, instead of against each other, would be in the best interest of the country.

…What if just 5 elected individuals acted more like the refs on the field, instead of the fans fighting in the stands? What if they worried less about their next primary opponent and more about their constituents? What if just 5 Republicans acted in the best interest of the people instead of the party? What if just 5 members of congress acted like leaders?



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