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Your Election Guide for the Midrust Battlegrounds

In this final stretch of the 2024 campaign, we’d like to do things a little differently, and share our Fully Unweighted, Completely Transparent (F.U.C.T.) data. Below you’ll find our toplines, crosstabs, and raw data.

Why raw data, you ask? Think of this as March Madness. As pollsters and political strategists, we think we have a good idea about what the electorate will look like and how things will shake out. But you may want to make your own bracket and picks based on what data you think is most telling...

Remember: no one can see the future, and this poll is a snapshot in time, so we’re not sure the candidates we have leading right now will win. There are still a few news cycles and weeks left to go, and things will change.

But we are sharing our data now for you to use as a guide in these final weeks. If you think a demographic is going to be more represented come election day, weight 'em up. If you think a demographic is going to sit this one out, weight them down.

NOTE ON WEIGHTING: As you’ll see in the Toplines, we share why we ask things a certain way, and also why we prefer not to weight data. If you do want to weight the data, we recommend weighting on the demographics, not on ballot questions.


  • Toplines

  • Crosstabs

  • Raw data file


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